"Like war, growth at any cost is an outmoded and discredited concept. It is our lives which are being laid to waste.
What is worse, it is our children’s world which is being destroyed. It is therefore our only possible decision to withhold all support for destructive systems, and to cease to invest our lives in our own annihilation."
Bill Mollison
That is Bill Mollison's quote from the book Permaculture Designer's Manual (Chapter 1, page 1) 35 years ago. Today we still live in a world which is continuously being destroyed, by the systems and policies our ancestors has left behind. Still too little of us is being aware of the solutions. Thus, natural disasters, geopolitical catastrophe, war and economical failure is the era which we are living in. Too few of us accept this reality and close a blind eye to it, continuously burning fossil fuels for non regenerative purposes whilst consuming unnecessary goods leaving responsibilities to only those who carries them, continuously feeding the vertical structures we all suffer in.
Permaculture Crisis Management believes that solutions exists already since Bill Mollison and David Holmgren invented Permaculture. By following the ethics of Permaculture in a design" care of the earth, care of the people, and fair share", all systems are to be resilient.
“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”
Bill Mollison
Permaculture Crisis Management's mission is to repair destroyed landscapes, whether it is from natural disasters, deforestation or soil pollution to interior well being, of each and every human.
Permaculture Crisis Management has for mission to train everyone and to make Permaculture accessible to everybody. Leaving none of the 3 ethics behind.
"All we need is 12-18% of the population practicing Permaculture and we will reach the tipping point where Permaculture becomes international policy"
Geoff Lawton
Our team consists of young, active and creative urban designers, which puts science at the core of their research. All statements are based on scientific proof with innovative ideas, binding creativity and science.
Join the team, send us an email.
"Gardening in times of drought, pandemics or war rejects the chaos and affirms human perseverance. Gardens are psychologically optimistic signs of regenerative spirit…They restore the makers as much as they restore the landscape."
Rosemary Morrow